Project tab

Project tab contains a list of tasks in a current project:

N - the order number of each task.

E - displays the current Ready State.

State - displays the current Execution State of a task.

In - displays source of Input Data.

Out - displays destination of Output Data.

ID - displays unique ID of a task in a project.

Task Name - displays the name of a task.

Pass - displays number of completed passes / total number of passes.

Results column contains shortcuts to task results (output):
- Results Folder - opens a folder with output files and log files.
- Results File - opens "text/plain" file containing task output, if not empty. If this icon is shaded: , MolQuest can't find text viewer for this "text/plain" file.
- Results Files - opens nonempty "text/plain" files containing task output. This icon appears instead of the Results File ( ) icon if more than output file was generated by a task. Shaded icon indicates that either multiple passes resulted in creation of several sets of output files, which can be viewed in Results Tab, or MolQuest can't find a viewer for these files
- opens output in a graphical viewer. MolQuest has multiple graphical viewers for many output file formats.
- more than one output file is available for viewing with graphical viewers.
- multiple passes resulted in sets of output files.

Processing - time it took to process task.

Start Time - time when task started.

Task Status

Ready State

This is a status of task's readiness for execution:

Not Ready. Some required properties are not defined and/or some of their values are set incorrectly.
  Ready. All required properties were defined.
  Enabled. This task will be run during the execution of a project.
  Completed. The task is completed.

Execution State

This is current execution status of a task. Move the mouse cursor over a status icon to display details.

nbsp; The task has not been started.
In Progress. The task is being run now.
  Completed. The task was completed without errors or warnings.
  Completed with Warnings. Some warnings or errors occurred during task execution, and at least one pass has finished without errors. Put a mouse over the icon to see a diagnostic message. Ñlick the shortcut in Results column to open a log file.
  Completed With Error. There are no passes that finished without errors. Every pass of the task were been executed with errors. A task has no meaningful results to use or to send to a pipeline. Put a mouse over the icon to see a diagnostic message. Ñlick the shortcut in Results column to open a log file. See also Results Tab for more information.
  Aborted. User aborted a task on the first pass. No results to use or to send to a pipeline.

Input Data

If a task is part of a pipeline, state of input data is displayed here. icon means that a task uses an output of one pipe as input data, means that it uses more than one input pipe. Shaded icons ( ) mean that all input data are ready but are not currently in use by other task, blue symbols ( ) mean that input data are currently being used by running task, red symbols ( ) mean that some data are not ready.

Output Data

This column has the same meaning as the "Input Data" column, but for output data of a task.